FRC 4810
learn how you can be a #forceforchange
Fueling the talent pipeline
Promoting FIRST in Macomb County and Beyond!
In partnership

Macomb County FIRST
robotics showcase
December 11th, 2019
Spreading FIRST Robotics and its role in building a STEM-trained workforce for the future.
Robot Demos and Keynote Speakers
Mark Hackel - Macomb County Executive
Lisa Perez - FiM Event Coordinator
Thank you to all participating teams and businesses !!

FIRST Open House
November 19, 2018
Promoting FIRST to countless of businesses in Macomb County and inspiring them to get involved in the future of the STEM workforce!
Panel Discussion, Robot Demos, Open House, and Keynote Speakers:
Mark Hackel - Macomb County Executive
Gail Alpert - FiM President
Micheal DeVualt - MISD Superintendent
Thanks to all our neighboring county teams for participating!
Army Autonomy&artificiAl intelligence Symposium
November 28, 2018
Teaching armies from all around the world about FIRST and the value of young, creative minds in the future of STEM.
With our 'FIRST in Macomb County' booth, we were able to demonstrate our robot and talk to many people about the value of FIRST and engaging the youth with our friends 217 ThunderChickens, 2851 Crevolution, and 3539 Byting Bulldogs.

Velocity center
February 20th 2019
I.AM.Robot is working on the executive council to plan the Macomb County 'Velocity' Robotics Collaboration Center.
Planned to take off in 2020 as the focal point for robotic collaboration and a center of resources for teams and a home to future rookie teams in Macomb County.
Ultimate Goal: To increase FIRST at all levels in
Macomb county and provide ease within the process.